
ICRA 2017

The IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) that happened in Singapore over the last week is often referred to as the robotics conference. If you’re an academic working in the field of robotics, Singapore was the place to be in the last week.

Real-Time Programming with Xenomai 3 - Part 2: Writing a simple periodic task.

I walk you through writing a simple cyclic task in Xenomai.

Real-Time Programming with Xenomai 3 - Part 1: Installation and Basic Setup

In my lab, we recently started moving away from Simulink’s Real-Time packages and towards Real-Time Linux for implementing the low level control of our robots. I thought I would document what I went through to get Xenomai (A Real-Time framework for linux) working stably as a resource for others trying to get started on the same thing.

Brand New Website!

My old website was formatted a lot like an online resume - something I feel doesn’t quite fit me any more after I decided to join a PhD program. So I decided to refresh my website deisgn into something that fit my current research interests.